Shikhar Insurance
National Life

Today is the last day to secure Sanima GIC Insurance’s dividend.

सिंहदरबार संवाददाता
२०८१ चैत्र ७, बिहीबार १०:२१

Kathmandu. Today is the last day to secure the dividend of Sanima GIC Insurance Limited.

As the company will close its books for the 7th Annual General Meeting and dividend distribution tomorrow, Chaitra 8, only the shareholders who have remained till today will be able to participate in the meeting and receive the dividend.

Citizen Life
Kumar Bank
Prabhu Insurance

As per the decision of the company’s board of directors held on Falgun 26, the meeting has been called for the 7th Annual General Meeting on Chaitra 21 at 11 am at Amritbhog Kalikasthan, Kathmandu.

The meeting will pass the proposal to distribute 7.5 percent bonus shares and 0.3947 percent cash dividend (tax-free) of the current paid-up capital. In addition, 25 percent of the right shares will be revised and 17 percent of the right shares will be issued.

The meeting will approve the expenses incurred in the previous fiscal year, amend the meeting allowance of the Board of Directors, and authorize the Board of Directors to amend the Articles of Association and Regulations.

The meeting will pass the financial statements of the previous fiscal year.

The meeting will appoint the auditor and determine the remuneration for the current fiscal year.



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