Kathmandu. Madhesh Province Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Mahato has said that the country has not been able to rise above the unitary governance system. Chief Justice Mahato said that the federal government has not been able to transfer the rights to the provincial government in a proper manner.
He said that although the constitution has made provision for the control of the provincial administration to be under the province, it has not been implemented. He said that the federal government is still hesitant to successfully implement federalism, adding that the provincial governance system is under the control of the federal government since the Provincial Police Adjustment Act has not been implemented.
He mentioned that the Chief District Officer, civil administration, etc. are still under the control of the federal government, and argued that the political parties led by the government are running the country with the spirit of unitary governance even though they have forcibly accepted federalism.
He also claimed that federalism came to the country due to the Madhesh movement. He said that it is necessary to ensure the authority of the provincial government for the successful implementation of federalism, and said, ‘To strengthen federalism, the provincial government should be given a bylaw. Not only Madhesh Province but all seven provinces are raising their voices in unison on the issue that the power is not being transferred from the central government to the provincial government. Federalism came about because of the movement in Madhesh Province yesterday.’
‘The mindset of the political parties running the country is still unitary. The mindset of the police is also unitary. And the civil administration running the Nepal government is also working with a unitary mindset,’ he said. He said that the federal civil service act cannot touch the civil service act of the provinces.
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