Kathmandu. Lions Club International District 325 J Nepal has nominated PDG Lion Dr. Dhruba Bahadur Thapa for the position of International Director Indorse.
He presented his candidacy to District Governor and Multiple 325 Vice Council Chairperson Lion Milan Thapa at a nomination program held in Kathmandu on Sunday. Thapa, who has been active in Lionism for the past 26 years, was the governor of the then District 325 B1 in 2015-16. During his tenure, he has made many changes in the Nepal Lions Foundation, including the concept of lead donor, the introduction of the governor’s pin for everyone, the end of the national anthem at the end of the program and the beginning of the national anthem at the beginning.
Similarly, the current First Vice District Governor Lion Milan Babu Malle has filed nominations for the post of District Governor of District 325J for the coming year, the current Second Vice District Governor Lion Prajapati Bastola for the post of First Vice District Governor, and the current Chief Advisor Lion Kush Prasad Malle for the post of Second Vice District Governor. They have registered their nomination papers with the Nomination Committee Chairperson IPDG Lion Hari Prasad Marhatta formed for the convention.
The current First Vice District Governor Lion Milanbabu Malla has been active in the Lionism field for the past 17 years. Born in Gorkha and established in Kathmandu, Malla, a successful industrialist and businessman, is also the treasurer of NADA. Similarly, the current Second Vice District Governor Lion Prajapati Bastola has been active in the Lionism field for the past 26 years. Bastola, who was born in Pokhara, is a successful businessman. Similarly, the current Second Vice District Governor candidate Lion Kush Prasad Malli has been active in the Lionism field for the past 36 years. Born in Butwal and based in Kathmandu, Malli is a successful industrialist and banker.
The third convention of District 325 J Nepal is being held on April 6 at the National Assembly House in Kathmandu. At the nomination program, all the candidates expressed their commitment to be more active in social service, and everyone present expressed their best wishes.
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