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Sudan to produce 64.4 tons of gold in 2024

सिंहदरबार संवाददाता
२०८१ फाल्गुन १९, सोमबार १२:३३

Agency. Sudan achieved a record increase in gold production in 2024 amid ongoing armed conflict, according to government data. According to a report released by the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company, Sudan produced a total of 64=4 tons of gold in 2024.

Which generated about 1.6 billion US dollars in government revenue. Sudanese Minister of Minerals, Mohamed Bashir Abdullah Abu Nammu, attributed the increase in the country’s gold production in 2024 to several factors. Including the fact that most of the production areas are unaffected by the ongoing conflict.

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90 percent of gold-producing areas in Sudan are safe areas that have not been affected by the war. These regions include the Northern, Nile River, Red Sea, Kassala, Gedaref and Blue Nile states.

Production has remained largely stable as these regions have remained unaffected by conflict. This is one of the reasons for the significant increase in gold production. Sudan relies mainly on gold exports to earn foreign exchange.



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