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Prabhu Bank Gandaki Province organizes rally in Burtibang on the occasion of ‘Global Money Week 2025’

सिंहदरबार संवाददाता
२०८१ चैत्र ४, सोमबार १७:३५

Kathmandu. Prabhu Bank Gandaki Pradesh has organized a financial awareness rally on the occasion of ‘Global Money Week 2025’ in Burtibang, western part of Baglung district.

The bank organized the rally with the main slogan ‘Let’s think before we act, let’s make wise financial decisions for tomorrow. Let’s listen to others but let’s decide after listening to the official thing.’

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Speaking at the program, Prabhu Bank Burtibang Branch Chief Gyan Bahadur Chhetri highlighted the importance of Global Money Week and the need for financial literacy. He said that such programs will play an important role in making children, the elderly and the youth understand the importance of savings, investment and financial planning.

The main objective of this rally is to develop the habit of saving among the young generation from an early age, to understand the importance of financial planning and to promote financial literacy, the bank said. The bank has expressed its commitment to continue organizing such public awareness programs in the coming days.


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