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Physical progress of Beni-Jomsom-Korla section 85 percent

सिंहदरबार संवाददाता
२०८१ चैत्र ६, बुधबार १२:२९

Mustang. 85 percent of the work has been completed so far in the Beni-Jomsom-Korla section of the Kaligandaki Corridor under the North-South Trade Route Expansion Project. The overall physical progress of the section has reached 85 percent, excluding the nine projects added in the current fiscal year.

According to Bishnu Chapagain, Information Officer of the Beni-Jomsom-Korla Road Project, 85 percent physical progress has been made towards road upgrading and 84 percent towards Pulpulesa. He mentioned that the construction of this national pride project connecting northern Korla began in the fiscal year 2073/74.

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Of the roads under operation under the project, seven small and large roads have been completed towards blacktop and six roads towards gravel, informed Chapagain, Information Officer of the project. According to him, the road blacktopping and upgrading has been completed in seven phases, from Beni Kalipul in Myagdi to Beni Galeshwor, from Tatopani to Kaiku, from Kaiku to Kobang, and from Jomsom to Kagbeni.

Information Officer Chapagain informed that the work on the gravel road from Jomsom to Korla has been completed in six phases, and that the work on the 25-kilometer gravel road from Charang-Chhos has reached the final stage. According to him, out of the 105-kilometer road contract agreement for the Korla highway, 75 km of blacktopping has been completed.

Similarly, the project office has stated that gravel has been completed on 90 km of the 110-km Jomsom-Korla road. Out of the 19 bridges in this section, 14 have been completed while the rest are under construction, informed Chapagain, Information Officer of the Project Office.

The Project Office has informed that out of the 14 bridges that have been completed, nine have been built in the Mustang section and five in the Myagdi section. Stating that the bridge under construction at Setu Khola in Lete, Thasang Rural Municipality-3, Mustang, is in the final stage, he mentioned that 80 percent physical progress has been made so far.

The Project Information Officer Chapagain said that nine more projects have been added in the current fiscal year for the North-South connecting Korala Road Project. According to him, among the new projects added in the current fiscal year, four bridge construction contracts have been signed and construction has begun.

Earlier, the contract for the construction of the Kaiku Khola Bridge and Larjung Khola bridges in Mustang was canceled. The project has stated that the contract agreement was canceled due to the delay of the construction company.


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