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Narayanghat-Butwal Road: 47 kilometers of blacktop in the eastern section


Nawalparasi. Of the 65-kilometer eastern section of the Narayanghat-Butwal section of the East-West Highway, which is being expanded to four lanes, 47 kilometers have been blacktopped. According to the Narayanghat Butwal Road Project (Eastern Section) Office, 58.7 percent physical progress has been made on this road so far.

16 kilometers of blacktopping towards Gaindakot is being completed and blacktopping is underway in Devchuli Municipality. 22 small bridges have been constructed in this section. Since the link road construction on the completed bridge has not been completed, it will take time for vehicles to operate from the bridge, said Shiva Khanal, information officer of the office.

Work is underway at a rapid pace with the aim of completing the bridge over Binayi River before the upcoming monsoon. A few weeks ago, after the bridge was damaged by an overloaded truck, vehicles have been diverted to operate. Rakesh Jha, associate manager of China State Construction Engineering, the construction company that has been awarded the contract for the road expansion, said that road expansion is ongoing at 42 places.

We have focused our manpower on bridge construction along with road expansion. He said, “Along with road blacktop and bridge construction, we are mobilizing more than 650 workers to work on culverts, sub bases, bases, filling, drainage, gabions, etc.” The target is to complete the blacktop by Dumkibas by next April. “The cutting of the mountain wall in the most difficult place in the eastern part of Daunne has been completed,” he said.


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