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Minister Yadav’s commitment to try to solve Dharan’s drinking water problem


Kathmandu. Minister for Water Supply Pradeep Yadav has expressed his commitment to make every effort to solve the drinking water problem of the people of Dharan. In a discussion held with the Mayor of Dharan Sub-metropolitan City, Harkaraj Rai, in his office today, he informed that preparations are being made to invite bids for integrated drinking water this year to solve the problem.

Minister Yadav said, ‘Dharan Sub-metropolitan City should be responsible for ensuring land acquisition. The plan has been selected. We will solve the drinking water problem in the long term.’

Minister Yadav’s private secretariat stated that he came to meet the Minister of Drinking Water after Dharan has been facing a drinking water problem for a long time and the sub-metropolitan budget could not afford it.



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