Kathmandu. Laxmi Sunrise Bank has earned a net profit of Rs 1.16 billion in the first six months of the year. According to the financial statements for the second quarter of the current fiscal year 2081-82 published by the bank on Magh 7, the bank has earned a profit of Rs 1.16 billion more.
The bank’s profit is 9.71 percent higher than last year. Last year, the bank earned a profit of Rs 1.592 billion during the same period.
At the end of the year, the bank’s net interest income was Rs 5.19 billion, while the bank had earned Rs 5.65 billion during the same period last year.
In the current fiscal year, the bank’s distributable profit is Rs 368.5 million, while deposit collection is Rs 340.49 billion. As of the end of the month, the bank’s operating profit was Rs 1.793 billion and its loans were Rs 267.11 billion.
The bank’s paid-up capital was Rs 24.346512 thousand and its reserve fund was Rs 17.2822 million. During the same period, the bank’s earnings per share (EPS) was Rs 9.55 and its net worth per share was Rs 172.5. The bad loan (NPL) ratio reached 2.11 percent.
The bank’s cost of funds was 5.05 percent during the same period.
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