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Financial management time extended by two years for projects with a capacity of more than 100 MW

सिंहदरबार संवाददाता
२०८१ चैत्र ३, आईतवार १३:५६

Kathmandu. The government has decided to extend the financial management of large hydropower projects by two years. The Department of Power Development has amended the Electricity Project Licensing Directive, 2075 BS, extending the time for financial management of large hydropower projects by two years.

The department has made arrangements to extend the time for projects with an installed capacity of more than 100 MW by two years, keeping in mind the current situation where it takes a long time for power purchase agreements and the time it takes to financially manage large-scale projects, informed the Director General of the department, Navin Raj Singh.

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Earlier, Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Deepak Khadka had discussed with energy producers about the problems seen during the construction of large hydropower projects.

Earlier, while amending the electricity generation license in the said directive, the industry registration certificate license was amended. While there was a provision to submit the license before the project is completed, the provision has been revised and a provision has been made to amend the license by submitting a letter of intent for industry registration and to submit the revised industry registration within one year of the license amendment.

It is believed that the said provision will make it easier for the promoters as the process of amending the license is simplified.

Similarly, in order to protect the investment of banks and financial institutions investing in power projects, if the project promoter is unable to repay the loan, the power generation and transmission license can be transferred to the company or organization that will conduct the auction, Director General Singh said. .

The department has also amended the Grid Connected Alternative Electricity Development Procedure, 2078. The department has made a provision that the relevant local level should recommend that the land on which the solar power project will be constructed is suitable for development and construction of a solar power project while issuing a survey and production permit for the land.

The department has stated that the said amendment will successfully involve the local level in the exercise of the acquired rights related to land use and will facilitate the promoters of solar power projects for land recommendations.

After facilitating the said matter, survey permits have been issued for 29 solar power projects with an installed capacity of about 483.5 megawatts. It is believed that this provision will facilitate the government in achieving its target of generating 28,500 megawatts of electricity by 2035.


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