Baglung. There are about two hundred households living in Sigana Lamichaur, Baglung Municipality-8. There was a severe shortage of drinking water in Lamichaur, which is a densely populated area.
Hundreds of locals here had been consuming water from three taps built forty-two years ago. They had to stand in line at the tap all night to fill a jug of water. It was not easy to get their turn to fill the water. The taps built in 2039 BS had become dilapidated.
The residents of Lamichaur, who have been facing drinking water problems for a long time, no longer have a drinking water problem. This time, the municipality has extracted water from underground. After a long time of hard work, water has emerged in Lamichaur through drilling, and the locals are happy.
The municipality had deployed technicians to conduct a survey on the matter. After seeing the possibility of extracting water, the work of extracting water here was done using a drilling machine. On Chaitra 1, the machine dug about 170 meters of land and extracted water.
The chairman of the Lamichaur Drinking Water Consumers Committee, Tikaram Thapa, informed that water has started being extracted regularly since Chaitra 9. ‘There was a lot of drinking water problem in the village, finally the demand has been met,’ said Chairman Thapa. The water was extracted at a cost of Rs 2.6 million from the municipality and Rs 300,000 raised through local public participation.
‘There was a water problem in the entire village, there were only three taps for two hundred houses, the taps used to provide little water, the locals used to use waste water from wells and rivers,’ she explained about the past problems. Locals, without any help, had to wait in line for eight hours to fill a jug of water. She said that many were forced to leave the village due to the lack of drinking water.
71-year-old local Chandramani Gautam said that there has been a drinking water problem in Lamichaur since 2039 BS. He said that the shortage of drinking water has occurred due to the increasing population.
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