Kailali. Dhangadhi Sub-metropolitan City of Kailali has collected Rs 171.2072 crore in revenue. The sub-metropolitan city has collected this revenue under various heads during the period from Shrawan to Poush mid-year of the current fiscal year.
During that period, Rs. 19.267 million was collected from property tax, Rs. 12.368 million from land tax/property revenue, Rs. 35.283 million from rental tax, Rs. 35.212 million from other revenue, Rs. 27.979 million from business tax, and Rs. 16.548 million from map clearance fee, informed Lekhnath Ojha, head of the revenue branch of the sub-metropolitan city.
According to him, Rs. 8.356 million was collected from recommendation fee, Rs. 4.683 million from rental of government property, Rs. 8.61 million from administrative fines and confiscation, Rs. 1.342 million for illegality, and Rs. 1.342 million from other administrative revenue. He informed that Rs. 1.313 million revenue was collected from service fees.
Rs. 707 thousand from personal incident registration, Rs. 716 thousand from examination fees, Rs. 234 thousand from other material sales, Rs. 209 thousand from relationship certification fees, Rs. 179 thousand from education sector income, Rs. 2 thousand from judicial fees and the remaining amount was collected from other fees.
According to Revenue Branch Chief Ojha, there has been an increase in revenue collection in the same period of the current fiscal year compared to the previous fiscal year. He said that revenue collection in the current fiscal year was Rs 9.57 million, 879 thousand more than the same period of the previous fiscal year.
Ojha informed that the sub-metropolitan city collected Rs 16.594 million in revenue in the first six months of the previous fiscal year. He said that revenue collection has increased due to stricter revenue collection and broadening of the tax scope.
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