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Demand to reduce down payment limit for electric vehicle purchases

सिंहदरबार संवाददाता
२०८१ फाल्गुन १९, सोमबार १५:००

Kathmandu. The Nepal National Federation of Transport Entrepreneurs, an umbrella organization of transport entrepreneurs, has demanded the removal of the monetary policy provisions for the purchase of electric vehicles and diesel-powered vehicles.

In a statement, General Secretary of the Federation, Deknath Gautam, claimed that the government, which has given high priority to the use of electric vehicles, has been harming entrepreneurs due to the monetary policy provisions for the purchase of the same vehicles. The federation claims that the government, which has decided to give high priority to green energy, has discouraged the use of electric vehicles through monetary policy instead of providing incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles to reduce air pollution and consume domestically produced energy.

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Nepal Rastra Bank, through its semi-annual review of monetary policy, had reduced the loan-to-value ratio for the purchase of electric vehicles to 60 percent. Earlier, the provision was 80 percent. That is, now a maximum of 60 percent loan is available from banks and financial institutions for the purchase of electric vehicles. The federation has demanded that the loan-to-value ratio be increased to 80 percent for the purchase of electric vehicles and diesel vehicles.



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