Kathmandu. Businessmen have complained that consultancies and intermediaries are sending workers to European countries as the problem of requisition verification has not been resolved.
Manpower workers have been unable to send workers institutionally due to the lack of a Nepali embassy in the country where the requisition is verified.
On Tuesday, the Nepal Foreign Employment Entrepreneurs Association held a press conference in Kathmandu and complained that consultancies and intermediaries are sending workers to various European countries as the problem of requisition verification has not been resolved.
The government has demanded that the requisition verification problem be resolved immediately and moved to an online system. The association has said that although it has been sending workers after verifying the demand letters from the Nepali embassies in the respective countries, it has received demand letters from European countries, but even Germany and Austria, which have embassies, have stopped verifying demand letters for the past 18 months.
Speaking at a press conference, Foreign Employment Entrepreneurs Association President Rajendra Bhandari said that it has received demand letters from various European countries, but it has not been possible to send institutional workers because there is no Nepali embassy in the country that can verify the demand letters.
He claimed that since it is not possible to send institutional workers, middlemen and consultancies are making visit visas and sending workers to various countries including the UAE and sending them to Europe and other countries. .
He said that consultancies and middlemen are charging lakhs of rupees from workers by saying that they will send them to European countries. He said that consultancies and middlemen are tempting workers and taking unnatural amounts of money by saying that they will send them to European countries.
He said that workers are being unsafe and cheated when they go illegally. He mentioned that 50,000 jobs received from European countries are being lost due to not being able to send them to Europe quickly. He also urged the businessmen to make arrangements to authenticate the demand letters received from countries without embassies, including Europe.
He said, ‘Regarding the demand letters, the Nepali embassy in the relevant country has been authenticating the demand letters and sending workers, but since there is no Nepali embassy in the country that can authenticate the demand letters, the workers have not been able to be sent institutionally due to the lack of authentication of the demand letters. Countries with embassies, Germany and Austria, have also stopped authenticating the demand letters for the past 18 months.’
‘Since it is not possible to send institutionally, middlemen, individuals and consultancies are enticing workers to send them to countries including the UAE on visit visas and then collect unnatural amounts of money. There is a growing concern about sending workers to Europe. Now consultancies are sending people. They are sending them to Europe for up to 1 million rupees. Insecurity has increased when they are sent like that,’ said Chairman Bhandari.
Businessmen are demanding that the government determine the actual cost of sending workers for foreign employment. Association Chairman Bhandari said that workers can be sent at the actual cost by addressing the demand for fee determination and service fees of businessmen.
He said that despite repeatedly requesting the government to determine the worker fee and specify the service fee of businessmen, it has not been possible so far. He said that even if the government says zero cost, that is, 10 thousand rupees, it is not possible to send workers to various countries at that cost.
He said that the workers are suffering a lot because the government has not been able to determine the cost of workers and the service fee of entrepreneurs on time. He said that now people are forced to take loans at meter interest to go abroad. He said that the government should make arrangements to provide workers with unsecured loans. He said that workers going to Malaysia and the Gulf countries have to pay fees under 13 headings and the association has determined the cost fee.
He said, ‘The government needs to determine the cost headings to make foreign employment dignified and send workers at the actual cost. But the government said zero cost. We also said a cost of 10 thousand rupees, but we did not talk about the reality. By determining the workers’ fees and addressing the service fee demands of the businessmen, it is possible to guarantee that the workers will be sent at the actual cost.’
‘When seeking workers from abroad, expenses are incurred on many issues. Orientation training, passport fees, medical fees, transportation expenses, interviews, visa fees, social security funds, welfare funds, insurance, airplane fees, advertisements, photos, etc., a total of 132,754 rupees have been spent. But the government has said zero cost and 10 thousand. In the meantime, workers are being harmed because they are also being spent on other titles. Now the government should make it back in white,’ he said.
He said that a total of 132,754 rupees will be spent on 13 titles.
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