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Bacterial and viral problems in chickens due to lack of biosecurity

सिंहदरबार संवाददाता
२०८१ फाल्गुन १९, सोमबार १६:३३

Chitwan. The National Poultry Disease Research Laboratory has found a high number of bacterial and viral infections in samples collected from 16 districts including Chitwan. These infections have been observed due to lack of biosecurity.

The laboratory had examined the bodies of 2,175 chickens from 1,285 farmers in the six months since Shrawan and tested them for diseases. According to the head of the office, Vijay Kumar Shrestha, due to bacteria in the environment, Ecolai 295, Gambaro virus 168, CRD bacteria 154, mold (mycotoxin) 112 and Salmonella bacteria 72 were seen.

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Similarly, SIT (water retention in the stomach) 59, CCRD bacteria 41, fowl cholera (chicken cholera) 25, coccidioidomycosis (red rot) 19, worms 14 and Ranikhet were seen in eight. During the same period, H9 was seen in four cages of ‘boiler’ chickens. He said that biosecurity should be adopted as these diseases cause 100 percent mortality.

100 percent of chickens die due to diseases like Rani Khet and bird flu. He said that 20 percent of chickens die due to Gambaro, 50 percent of chickens die due to H9, and he advised farmers to take precautions in time. He said that biosecurity should be strictly followed while transporting materials such as feed, water, medicine, chaff and other materials to the farm and sending eggs outside. Since disinfectants are available in the market, people and vehicles coming to the farm should be completely disinfected.

Since it is the time of weather change, there is a high risk of bird flu, poultry farmers across the country should pay attention, Shrestha said. This office takes samples of birds from all over the country and tests them. He informed that samples of poultry raised in 16 districts of Bagmati, Gandaki and Lumbini provinces have been tested till December this year. Most of the poultry are raised in Chitwan and since the office is located there, most of the samples are from Chitwan.


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