Kathmandu. Prabhu Mahalaxmi Life Insurance has brought its shares up for sale. The company has put up for sale a total of 153,402 shares in the name of 5 founding shareholders.
12,078 shares in the name of founding shareholder Sailesh Shrestha, 18,348 shares in the name of Sunrise Holdings Pvt. Ltd., 2,196 shares in the name of Anil Prasad Shrestha and 120,780 shares in the name of Saila Shrestha have been put up for sale.
Founding shareholders interested in purchasing the said shares can submit an application to the company’s central office, Kamaladi, Kathmandu, within 35 days of the publication of the notice.
Also, the founders, within the specified time, If no application is received from the shareholders, the company has informed through a notice that it will proceed with the sale process to another person or organization in accordance with the law.
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