Bandipur. The 69-megawatt Marsyangdi Hydropower Station located in Aanbukhaireni Rural Municipality-4 has started generating only half of its capacity. The power generation has been reduced due to low water flow in the river.
Sher Mohammad Hussain, Assistant Manager of Marsyangdi Hydropower Station, said that the station is currently generating an average of 34 megawatts of electricity. He said, ‘The snow has not melted. The water flow in Marsyangdi is low. Power generation has started decreasing from the monsoon. The flow increases as the snow starts melting.’
The said project has three turbines of 23-23 megawatts. According to the center, during the evening and morning ‘peak hours’, only 69 megawatts of electricity is generated at full capacity. ‘Since the demand for electricity is high in the evening and morning, the river water is stored in the reserve tank and released during the day,’ said Assistant Manager Hussain.
The Marsyangdi project was completed in 1989. The electricity generated by the center has been distributed in pairs on the national transmission line through Bharatpur in Chitwan and Syuchatar stations in Kathmandu.
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