Kathmandu. Preparations for the policy and program for the upcoming fiscal year 082/83 have begun. There is a provision for the President to present the annual policy and program of the Government of Nepal in a joint meeting of the Federal Parliament.
Ministry is preparing its own programs and plans for the policy and program for the upcoming fiscal year. In the meantime, the Ministry of Finance has also started the homework of the policy and program.
According to the initial blueprint drawn by the Ministry of Finance, a program has been proposed to reduce the share of the informal sector in the economy to formalize the economic activities of the informal sector. According to which, it is mentioned that a detailed study will be conducted on the formalization of the informal economy.
The Ministry of Finance has prepared a policy and program for the upcoming fiscal year 082/83, including a proposal to formulate and implement a procedure to bring Nepal out of the ‘grey list’ of money laundering within a year.
According to which, an immediate program implementation action plan will be prepared to bring Nepal out of the grey list by Magh 082. Similarly, it has been said that the action plan will be effectively implemented and Nepal will be brought out of the grey list. The Ministry of Finance has proposed to formulate a federal economic policy as an umbrella policy to guide the economic activities of the three levels of government (federal, provincial and local levels).
The proposal states that such a policy will be formulated by Chaitra 2082. As per the proposed policy and program, a think tank consisting of experts will be formed to maintain harmony between monetary policy and fiscal policy.
The target date for its formation is mid-Shrawan 2082. The proposal also states that a national savings policy will be formulated. The Ministry of Finance also proposes to formulate a national savings policy to ensure investable capital by encouraging savings in households and the business sector.
Shyam Prasad Bhandari, spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance, said that homework for policies and programs has been intensified. He said, “The Ministry of Finance has already started internal homework on what policies and programs will be for the coming year, and we will prepare them in time.”
According to him, programs will be made based on the current needs. In addition, he said, the Ministry of Finance is engaged in intensive homework on the budget. The policies and programs prepared by the ministries have to be submitted to the Prime Minister’s Office. The same document has to be passed by the Council of Ministers and presented by the President in both houses of Parliament.
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