Kathmandu. Until a few years ago, obese people were seen as healthy and attractive, while thin and thin people were seen as sick. But gradually, this social thinking has changed. Now, most people are very conscious of being obese to keep themselves healthy. The number of people who are aware of the health risks of obesity is increasing.
Obesity has started to be considered a disease. However, some people have become victims of obesity whether they want it or not. The reasons and health risks for those who are obese are not the same for those who are thin. Even if they are thin, people who smoke, eat sugary foods, do not eat a balanced diet, and are stressed are at high risk of heart disease.
Obesity is a condition that causes many diseases in the body and can even lead to death. Diabetes is one of them. Heart disease can cause heart attacks, heart failure, sudden death, angina, heart rhythm disorders, etc. Obesity is more common in people with a body weight, i.e. BMI, of more than 25. People with overweight are twice as likely to have high blood pressure than those with a normal body weight. Obesity not only increases bad cholesterol, but also reduces good cholesterol.
If the amount of cholesterol in the body increases, it accumulates in the blood vessels and narrows the vessels. This makes it difficult for the heart to pump. Therefore, there is a direct relationship between obesity and heart disease. Obesity is being seen as a chronic disease in the world. Currently, obesity is considered one of the main health problems in Europe and America. Although awareness is increasing among people, this problem is also seen in many people in those countries due to the deterioration of lifestyle.
Unbalanced diet, excessive eating, and uncontrolled eating are the main causes of obesity. Some of them also become obese due to genetic reasons or some disease. In the world, 15 percent of women are obese and 11 percent of men are obese. One in three men has the problem of obesity, while one in four women is overweight. Obesity is also seen as a health problem in Nepal.
In 2013, 21 percent of the total population of Nepal was found to be obese, while in 2019, this problem was found in 29 percent. Nevertheless, Nepal is among the countries with low obesity rates. According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), 35 percent of women, six percent of adolescents, and three percent of children under the age of five are obese in Nepal. The study has shown that the problem of obesity is more prevalent in Bagmati Province than in other provinces. What is the risk of obese people?
Annually, the number of premature deaths in the world, that is, deaths below the average age, is about three hundred thousand. Three hundred thousand people die annually due to obesity in the world. Obesity is considered a major risk factor among the causes of death. A study conducted by the WHO has shown obesity as the fourth leading cause of death after high blood pressure, tobacco use, and diet. The higher the body weight, the higher the death rate. Obese people with a BMI above 30 have a 50 percent to 100 percent risk of premature death. Those with a BMI above 30 are at a higher risk of premature death than those with a normal BMI. Therefore, obesity itself is a factor in human death. Even with a slight degree of obesity, the number of deaths is higher. According to a study, people aged 30 to 64 years old who are just five kilograms more than their ideal weight have been found to have an increased risk of death. They have been found to have a higher risk of heart attacks. Heart diseases caused by excess body weight, i.e., a BMI of more than 25, include heart attacks, heart failure, angina, heart rhythm disturbances, and sudden death due to other heart problems. Even if the body weight is about five kilograms more, those who are overweight are found to have almost twice the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes than those who are of normal weight.
About 80 percent of people with diabetes are found to have excess body weight. In addition, it has been found that good cholesterol is low and bad cholesterol is high in those who are overweight. Similarly, another problem caused by obesity is cancer. Obese people are more likely to develop breast cancer, uterine cancer, colon cancer, gallbladder cancer, kidney cancer, and prostate cancer. Overweight women are twice as likely to develop breast cancer than those of normal weight. Obese people are more likely to have respiratory problems.
Sleep apnea or snoring is also more common in overweight people. This problem causes breathing to stop for short periods of time while sleeping, which directly affects the heart. In addition, snoring is also more common in obese people. It has been found that with an increase in body weight of about one kilogram, joint pain increases by nine to 13 percent. In addition, joint pain is found to decrease with weight loss. Obese women have many problems during pregnancy.
Obesity during pregnancy increases the mortality rate of mothers and children. Obesity also increases the risk of gestational diabetes. Overweight mothers have more children born with congenital diseases. Other problems include gallbladder disease, urinary tract infection, increased risk of surgery, and depression. If children are obese, they will later develop heart disease, diabetes, and continue to be obese. How to avoid it? Obesity is a major cause of heart disease.
Therefore, if obesity can be controlled, the risk of heart disease can be avoided. In addition, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol also cause heart disease, so they should be kept under control. To avoid the risk of heart disease, lifestyle changes and dietary changes should be made along with controlling obesity. Daily exercise and stress reduction should be done. A lazy life, having to sit still, eating too much food, eating too much sugary food, eating too much salt, not eating fruits and vegetables or eating too little, not exercising, drinking alcohol, spending too much time on television, computers, and mobile phones, etc. are bad lifestyles.
Sleep at the right time and wake up at the right time, that is, always sleep and wake up at the same time. You should protect yourself from stress. To protect yourself from obesity, you should eat a balanced diet (with a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat). You should reduce carbohydrates and increase protein. You should not eat sweets, cakes, ice cream, etc. You should do daily exercise and yoga, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, walk as much as possible and use less transportation, and take the stairs instead of using the elevator as much as possible. You should eat your evening meal as soon as the sun sets. You should not eat anything more than 3-4 times a day.
Eating meals regularly at the same time, not eating too much at once, and consuming low-calorie foods such as carrots, cucumbers, lemon juice, and fruits and juices when you are hungry are beneficial. Therefore, if we can pay attention to such things that can cause heart disease, we can avoid the risk of heart disease. RSS
(The presented views are based on a conversation with senior cardiologist Dr. Upadhyay, author of the recently published book ‘Mancheko Mutu’)
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