Nepali Congress MP Krishna Prasad Sitaula has said that it is necessary to end the practice of saying different things when in power and opposition. He said this while speaking in the National Assembly meeting on Friday.
He said that the practice of saying one thing when in power and another when in opposition is not good. He informed that how much work one has done for the people and the country while in office is important. He said that the spirit of centralized state management should be eliminated. He said that Nepal should also think about international relations in a new way. He informed that when going to the people, one should go with the resolve to work.
He said that the people’s representatives at the provincial and local levels have complained that they have not been able to exercise their constitutional rights. He said that even now, the overall mentality of Nepal has not been in line with federalism. He said that the mentality of a centralized governance system still prevails.
प्रतिक्रिया दिनुहोस्