Lumbini. The Revenue Investigation Department has filed a case against Alim Miya, the operator of Alim Enterprises located at Nepalgunj Road, Butwal Sub-metropolitan City-5, through the Revenue Investigation Office, Butwal, for revenue leakage.
The department has filed a case in the Tulsipur Butwal High Court for revenue leakage by evading customs duty, value added tax and income tax by trading in goods that were illegally imported without a source and without issuing customs duty, value added tax bills.
While investigating the matter, it was confirmed that the defendant had committed an offense under Section 4 of the Revenue Leakage (Investigation and Control) Act (as amended) 2052. A total of Rs 34.339 million has been demanded from Miya as per Section 2 (6, 1) of the same Act and a penalty of 100% of the amount as per Sub-Section (1) of Section 23 of the same Act. In addition, the Revenue Investigation Office, Butwal, has issued a statement demanding maximum imprisonment for the defendant in accordance with Sub-section (1)(b) of Section 23 of the same Act, according to the charge sheet filed in the court.
According to the Revenue Investigation Department, based on information that defendant Miyan was importing goods by evading customs duties in the fiscal year 2078/89, a team of the Revenue Investigation Office, Butwal, searched his business firm on Asad 24 and 25, 2079. Based on the information, the balance was found to be less and less and his bank statement showed more transactions than the firm showed in the fiscal year 2078/79, which proved that he had cheated revenue, the Revenue Investigation Office, Butwal, said.
Defendant Miyan’s Revenue Office During the investigation, Butwal did not appear despite repeated contacts for necessary inquiries regarding the transaction and remained absconding. The Area Police Office, Butwal, did not find him even after conducting a search, so a court order has been issued in the case and a demand has been made for his arrest.
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