A few days ago, the joint press conference of the opposition political parties in the federal parliament has already indicated how the upcoming session will proceed. After the first and second largest parties in the parliament formed the government, the role of the third and fourth parties seems important.
The role of the National Independent Party, which is the fourth party in the House of Representatives of the federal parliament, is also important. Although there have been many speculations about what will happen to the party after the party president went under judicial investigation and detention, the RSP seems to have returned to normal. How will the party move forward now? How will it show its presence in the house? There is interest. An edited excerpt from an interview with Dal Prasad Aryal, the acting president of the National Independent Party, by News Agency Nepal, covering these topics:
The fifth session of the federal parliament has been called for January 18, #The meeting of the opposition parties a few days ago has already indicated where this session will go, #How does the RSP view the upcoming session of parliament? ?
First of all, the government has been forced to listen to the complaints made by the opposition parties, albeit belatedly. It was too late to call the session, the government called the session. We met the Honorable Speaker a few days ago and drew his attention to the fact that it was too late to call the House.
After pressure from the opposition parties, a meeting of both houses of the federal parliament has been called. That is welcome. It was questionable whether the House, the place to keep the problems and grievances of the people, was being closed and the country was being run through an ordinance. To some extent, this has been resolved by the government’s steps. The winter session is considered a session especially for lawmaking.
Therefore, the RSPB will play its full contribution and role in the formulation of more laws in the coming session. Only 11 bills have been passed in the past four sessions.
Although we have a lot of work to do, we have not been able to do it. Therefore, as soon as the Council of Ministers recommends the President to convene Parliament, I have already said that we will talk to the Chief Whips and discuss the formulation of laws and hold informal meetings. The RSPB wants the current session to be busy and that the arrangement should be for the formulation of laws.
The committees have indicated that they will proceed through the process (majority decision or decision anyway) saying that they could not conduct discussions on the bills, This means that there is a possibility that the discussions will proceed without sufficient discussion in the House, ##Has the RSPB looked into this or not?
## We have been saying from the beginning that a government formed by two major parties in the parliament is unnatural. In a democracy, such an alliance can weaken the parliament and the opposition. In that case, we have been saying that the people’s issues are overlooked. Looking at the ordinances that have come recently, ordinances have also come in the bills under consideration in the parliament.
## We understand that this in itself is against the spirit of the constitution. Therefore, like your question and concern, we have viewed this issue very closely and as a secondary one. Whether in a parliamentary committee or in the house, we will not be short of raising the people’s issues, regardless of the majority or minority.
## We have shown our strong presence in the past conventions. We will show it again now. We feel that good means being able to keep the expectations and demands that the people sent us, so we are determined to raise more issues of the people in the upcoming session. That is why we are preparing to make the next session better than the previous sessions.
After the party president was charged with cooperative fraud, there have been analyses that the RSP has disappeared or weakened, ##What strategy has the RSP come up with to show that it is here now##?
## First of all, since the case against the party president, which was seen by civil society, has already entered the court, there has been no much debate on it. But one thing that cannot be left out is that the government is taking revenge, it is clear and it has been established. I will not comment much on this. As far as the RSVP is concerned, when the party was established, the face of our party president was an important thing for us.
## There are no two opinions on this. But based on the past four conventions and the development of our country and the organization, and the work we have done while in government, even in a short time, and the impact it has had on the citizens, the analysis made in your question seems weak. I think that those who make such analyses have not been closely watching our activities. Because we are constantly in the people’s work. The problem of low attendance and activity due to the absence of a parliament is not only ours, but everyone’s.
It is natural to view political parties that have been doing politics in Nepal for decades as established political parties and not to view us as such because we have just arrived. I do not view it negatively. But in the absence of a house, our presence in parliamentary committees is strong. Now, the government has been formed by two major parties. They have a majority in the committee.
But the committee cannot reach a quorum, and does that mean that the RSPN lost there? Rather, it is surprising that even when there is a government formed by two major political parties, the committee meeting cannot be held without a quorum. The parties in the government should be questioned. Therefore, we are and will be focused on our preparations and the people’s issues. This is especially the issue we have raised on good governance and corruption control and this is the issue that should be raised. We are preparing to make an excellent presentation on it.
The party’s activities are at a standstill, Nothing is visible anywhere?
## That is not the case, the RSVP is in a state of expansion. The RSVP has become an institution. This party has become an institution in itself. That is why the party president is fighting his legal battle, but the party is still running in its place. Right now, the RSVP is in the same state as before the arrest of the president. Not weak. While the party president is fighting a legal battle, we are moving forward with the idea that we should continue to establish the party. Establishing that means taking up the people’s cause and giving ownership to the cause.
Therefore, the RSPB has moved forward even stronger. And we feel that we can show a good presence from the upcoming convention. The upcoming convention is also important for us to end the concerns and distrust towards the RSPB.
What is the clear view of the RSPB on the ordinance brought by the government?, If the House, which is also opposing the ordinance, is allowed to function, then the course will move forward because the government has a majority, right? ?
## We are working to study the subject matter and content of the ordinance after it comes. Our friends are engaged in the study. We are also working on it on behalf of the party. Not everything in the ordinance may be bad. Some things may be in favor of the people. We should not forget that. But there may be a debate that the process was wrong. Our initial opinion is that the things mentioned in it are correct but the path was wrong. We are studying it.
We make our clear and formal opinion on the ordinances a day or two before the parliament starts. Next, a few days ago, we sat with the opposition parties. If the agenda is agreed, we may come to a situation where the opposition parties stand together. Therefore, we have a detailed discussion in the party about our party’s opinion and the opinions of other opposition parties regarding the ordinance. The parliament has been called for the 18th. Before that, we study the opinions of the RSP and other opposition parties and reach a decision.
The government formed by the two major parties of the parliament has completed 6 months, How does the RSVP evaluate it ?
## The issues of inflation, corruption control and good governance are very important issues now. The kind of delivery that the people expected from the government formed by the two major parties of the parliament. It turned out to be completely different from what the people expected. This is the initial understanding of the RSVP. People have certain expectations from the state, and when those expectations are not fulfilled, people are disappointed. If we look at the recent issues of inflation, corruption and good governance, it is disappointing. Corruption has increased and good governance has declined.
Delegations are now coming from the Federation of Construction Entrepreneurs. They are walking around handing out statements. It is alleged that the cement industries have formed a syndicate. This situation is due to the government’s negligence and ignoring the people’s demands towards the government.
In the situation where the people have not received delivery from the government as expected, our conclusion is that the government formed by two major parties has completely failed and has not been able to deliver. I was reading a review of the government’s 100 days in a magazine, and the leaders of the government have failed the government. I had read that we were questioning what we had achieved in the first 100 days. Therefore, even though the government has reached this stage, the people have not been able to feel that it is a government and the government has not been able to deliver.
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